Sunday, January 31, 2016

How LIPO 6 BLACK weighloss worked the first 5 days

In this blog, i like to share my expirience on the results i got the first 5 days of using the thermogenic #Lipo 6 Black.
I was told to give it a try by my friends. It worked and i never looked back after the results started to show.

Here is a foto of how i looked the first 5 days try

The first photo was made on 25/11/ 2015 and the second day 01/12.  Of course I had to do a lot of work  besides taking the capsules. To my realization, i believe i can  get the desired flat belly i always wanted if i stick to my desciplined habit. 

This thermogenic is proving to be wonderful, I must also add that watching what to eat with good diet and intensify aerobic (HIIT) training sessions is needed in order to obtain more and better results while usuing  # Lipo6black.

Using #Lipo6black is no magic way to burning fat on the waist line nor weightloss super medicne. Regular excersice is needed as it helps to melt away stubborn fats.

It can be taken an hour before breakfast and lunchtime. I take 2capsules each, but i skipp it before o after dinner as it can be strong enough to ruin a goodnight sleep.
#Lipo6black can help burn stubborn fat and loose weight if regular exercise is followed along with eating healthy.

Hope this blog was useful. Don't forget to leave comments, follow and subscribe to my youtube channel to get more useful infos from Mell.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Site para estudar idiomas gratis

I just signed up for the 1000 Word Challenge for English on LingQ! What about you?

Olà pessoal, como estao??
Primeiro lugar peço desculpas por nao conseguir colocar a pontuaòao correta , pois meu teclado è italiano e para escrever portugues è muito trabalhoso.
Hoje quero so compartilhar o nome de um site muito bom e gratis para aprender idiomas, sempre quando tenho vontade entro nele para fazer algumas liçoes e escutar um pouco de pronuncia dosmeus idiomas preferidos.
Deixo aqui o link , esperoq ue algume se interesse de vista-lo e tambèm estudar por là.

Boms estudos